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Monday, August 31, 2015
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I hope to see you there.
National Read a Book Day Giveaway
Life in a House of Testosterone is hosting a National Read a Book Day Giveaway and we’re inviting you!
Giveaway Details:
12AM EST 9/6/2015 to 11:59PM EST 9/21/2015
JIMMY OLSEN $24.95 - Things in Ditches ( $15.73 - Poison Makers ( $12.93 - The Hero of Blind Pig Island (
LESLIE JOSEL $9.95 - What’s the Deal with Teens and Time Management? (
THEA BERG $6.08 - The Magical World of Sebella: Legend of Halloween (
DAVID ALLEN $10.20 - Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress Free Productivity (
RVABUSED $2.99 - rvabUSED: The true story of two different types of abuse by two very different types of men (
SANDRA HAGEE PARKER $10.77 - The Adventures of Pajama Girl: The Coronation of the Cupcake Queen (
P. K. HALLINAN $9.66 - A Love Letter from God (
Total Prize Package Value – $100+ worth of Reading Pleasure for 1 Lucky Winner
A selection of books for the entire family to enjoy!
Signups Close:
9/3/2015 at 10AM EST
Free/Paid Options Available
Sign Up Here
Thanks for your support!
Freebie Monday!
Sunday, August 30, 2015
From Breast Feeding to Formula Feeding
Things people say to formula feeders:
- You aren't going to have a bond with your baby
- You are messing with her digestive system
- She is going to be sick more
- It's going to cost you a ton
Firstly, I have a great bond with my daughter she is my world! Makenna does have tummy issues but she did even when she was born and breastfeeding. She hasn't been sick anymore than a breastfed baby and it does cost alot but with coupons ect it's not too bad.
The Up Side of formula feeding:
- You don't have to pump every time you go out
- Daddy and the rest of the family can join in on feedings
- You know exactly how much they are eating
-You don't have to watch your diet
Rant over :)
Formula review coming soon!