Monday, August 31, 2015

Blogger OP

This is a Blogger Opp for a great giveaway of

JuveRest Sleep Wrinkle Pillow ($159.99) 

Hosted By: 

Amy & Aron's Real Life Reviews

Free and Paid Options 
Co-Hosts Wanted and Needed

Click Here: Announcement Post

or below

This is a giveaway for JuveRest Sleep Wrinkle Pillow

Each blogger will receive 2 free links for posting and sharing (Facebook & Twitter). 

Open to US
Dates 8/26

Co-Hosts & Paid links will be listed on the main form. 

If you would like to co-host this event it will be $5 for 5 extra links (plus your 2 free links = 7 total) and a back link to your blog. (Daily comments email sign-ups secret word pages & all other premium links are included in those 5 co-host links so get crafty!)
Premium links for co-hosts to add on are $1, limit 5 extra


Secret word pages are $3
Adding social links or Daily Comments, retweets etc $2 each, limit 5
email sign ups $2

If Co-Hosting or purchasing links- send to as a gift, JuveRest in the notes

Posting will be required within 24 hours of launch.

Please share 3-4 times a week. The success of the giveaways depends on how much they are seen.

I hope to see you there.

If you have any questions about this giveaway please contact Amy at

National Read a Book Day Giveaway

Life in a House of Testosterone is hosting a National Read a Book Day Giveaway and we’re inviting you!

National Read a Book Day Giveaway

Giveaway Details:

12AM EST 9/6/2015 to 11:59PM EST 9/21/2015


JIMMY OLSEN $24.95 - Things in Ditches ( $15.73 - Poison Makers ( $12.93 - The Hero of Blind Pig Island (

LESLIE JOSEL $9.95 - What’s the Deal with Teens and Time Management? (

THEA BERG $6.08 - The Magical World of Sebella: Legend of Halloween (

DAVID ALLEN $10.20 - Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress Free Productivity (

RVABUSED $2.99 - rvabUSED: The true story of two different types of abuse by two very different types of men (

SANDRA HAGEE PARKER $10.77 - The Adventures of Pajama Girl: The Coronation of the Cupcake Queen (

P. K. HALLINAN $9.66 - A Love Letter from God (

Total Prize Package Value – $100+ worth of Reading Pleasure for 1 Lucky Winner


A selection of books for the entire family to enjoy!

Signups Close:

9/3/2015 at 10AM EST

Free/Paid Options Available

Sign Up Here

Thanks for your support!

Freebie Monday!

I love me so free samples...well actually anything for free! Who doesn't..right?! As my family gets bigger we could sure use them and I thought readers might enjoy them too!

 These are just some of my favorites of the week but I found an awesome site that has more if you just can't get enough :).
Find more HERE.


Sunday, August 30, 2015

From Breast Feeding to Formula Feeding

When I first became a mommy I was all about breast feeding. I didn't think I would ever formula feed. It then dawned on me that I wasn't going to be able to breast feed with the health issues I was having at the time. When I choose to formula feed I got ridiculed by friends and family. The"Breast is Best" saying got old pretty quickly.

Things people say to formula feeders:
- You aren't going to have a bond with your baby
- You are messing with her digestive system
- She is going to be sick more
- It's going to cost you a ton 

Firstly, I have a great bond with my daughter she is my world! Makenna does have tummy issues but she did even when she was born and breastfeeding. She hasn't been sick anymore than a breastfed baby and it does cost alot but with coupons ect it's not too bad. 

The Up Side of formula feeding:
- You don't have to pump every time you go out
- Daddy and the rest of the family can join in on feedings
- You know exactly how much they are eating
-You don't have to watch your diet

Rant over :)
Formula review coming soon!


Saturday, August 29, 2015

Win a Starbucks Giftcard!!

To kick off my new blog I've decided to give one of my lucky readers a $10.00 Starbucks Gift Card! I know personally as a mom I could live off off coffee! 
Thank you so much for joining me on this journey as a blogger!

Please Follow/Subscribe via email on Right side of blog 



Fisher Price Sit Me Up Review

Ever since my daughter was born I have done tons of shopping for toys and clothes. Nothing just seems to be enough for her (lol). I'm always telling my fiance "She's getting bored with those...we have to get this..or that!" or I just don't think she has enough outfits so I go out as usual and buy her more clothes. 

One thing she does really like is the Fisher Price Sit Me Up Chair

This is her in her chair when she first got it...just 3 months old. I love love love that it comes with toys and the tray comes off. Big plus in my book! Plus it gave me a little extra time to do the dishes or finish my cup of coffee.

Now at 5 months she is a pro at it!

Another great feature is that is is portable! We go out and we love to bring this along :)

My point is if you are looking for something very versatile for your little one give this a try. They have a few to choose from and are all very cute and with a price that you cant beat

*Review was done based on my own experience using this*